Post Results Information
Find out more about our post results services.
Post Result Service Deadlines
If you would like to access any of the post results services, please see below information regarding the services that are available.
Copy Script Return - A copy of the marked script can be requested. Please note that a copy of scripts can be requested by teaching staff for teaching and learning purposes or as examples to other students, if you do not wish for your script to be used for this purpose please contact the Examinations Team.
Review of Marking - An examiner undertakes all the clerical checks and then the examiner conducts a review of the marking of the script to ensure that the original marking was correctly completed against the mark scheme. This is not a remark.
Priority Review- Review of marking as a priority and only available for AS, A-Levels and Level 3 qualifications.
Clerical Re-check - An examiner checks that the entire script has been marked, checks that the marks have been added up and recorded correctly.
We recommend that you speak with your tutor as they can advise you before applying for a post result service. Payment must be made in full before any post results services will be requested.

Current information regarding deadline and fees
Please speak to a member of the Examinations Team if you require or would like to discuss any of the services offered.
Lincoln – 01522 876000 or exams@lincolncollege.ac.uk
Newark 01636 680680 or newarkexams@lincolncollege.ac.uk
The team are also available in person at both Lincoln and Newark between 8.45am and 4.45pm, please go to the Main Reception at your site and ask to be directed to the Examinations Team.