LC Day02 HE 337 by Electric Egg eggr2000
LC Day02 HE 367 by Electric Egg eggr2144

Become a host family for international students

Immerse yourself in a culturally enriching experience by hosting an international student whilst they complete their studies at Lincoln College. Make their dreams become reality, allowing them to experience a new culture and lifestyle.
Newark 7th Nov 23 038 by Electric Egg eggr1519

We are looking for host families from September 2024 - June 2025

Embark on this exciting journey to make an impact on a young person's life (16-18); watch their confidence grow and create lifelong connections. Hosting can provide unique opportunities, establish cultural experiences and broaden perspectives. If you are interested in becoming a host, get in touch by filling in the form below.

What are the benefits of becoming a host?

Culture Exchange

  • By hosting an international student, you get to learn about their culture, customs, and traditions. You can share your culture with them and learn about theirs, creating a unique bond that can last a lifetime. This exchange can also help you gain a broader perspective and appreciation for different ways of life.

Expand your social network

  • You will have the opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world, build lasting friendships and connections, and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures. 

Enhance your family life

Add new dimensions to your family life. If you have children, they can learn about different cultures, languages, and customs, and gain a unique perspective that can help them in their future endeavors.

Share your community

  • You can take them to local events and attractions and share the unique aspects of your community. This exposure can help them better appreciate your community and create a sense of belonging. 

Financial benefits: get paid £135 per week for hosting!

  • Lincoln College offers a stipend to cover the expenses associated with hosting an international student, such as food, lodging, and transportation. This can help you offset some of your household expenses and provide an additional source of income. For less than a year's commitment, you can earn over £4500 for opening your home up to international students.

  What is it like being a host?

The Stokes family have been a host for 8 years, last year they had international student Ottman from Norway. Take a look at how they have both found the experience:

Register your interest here